To see a list of firms that are currently prequalified to do business with the SCA, click Prequalified Firms.

*The Anticipated Issuance Date (by quarter) is an approximate estimate where the actual issuance date may differ. The SCA reserves the right to cancel any RFP. The SCA cannot be held liable for any pre-contract activity or costs incurred by any proposer in preparation of their proposals or for any work performed or materials provided in connection therewith.

Current Requests for Proposals

Data as of 10/01/2024
SolicitationDue DateDepartmentServicesNot to Exceed Award Amount per ContractContractsAssigned Contract NegotiatorNegotiator EmailUpdated Date

Anticipated Requests for Proposals

Data as of 10/01/2024
DepartmentServicesEstimated Cost of Service per ContractAnticipated # of ContractsAssigned Contract NegotiatorContact InfoAnticipated Issuance Date (by Quarter)*
FISCAL SVS QUALIFIED TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT 800001Diana Seoane dseoane@nycsca.orgQ4, 2024
IT SERVICES CITRIX VIRTUAL APPLICATIONS1450001Diana Seoane dseoane@nycsca.orgQ4, 2024

Click the below link to see a list of firms that are currently disqualified, suspended, rejected, and/or otherwise ineligible to receive new or future work on SCA projects as prime contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants, members of a joint venture, vendors, or material suppliers.

RFP Process Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get involved to participate in the RFP process and submit proposals for the services for which my firm may qualify?

Firms must request a copy of the RFP via email from the negotiator overseeing the solicitation. The request is then forwarded to the User Department to make a determination on whether the firm can receive a copy of the RFP. Firms interested in obtaining a copy of the RFP must provide all of the following information:

  1. A description of your firm's experience including:
    • length of time your firm has been in existence performing the services required under this RFP
    • prior projects
    • firms you've partnered with, and the value of the portion your firm worked on
    • number of years
  2. Whether your firm is prequalified with the SCA (if you do not know, you can state this).
  3. The full contact information of the person to whom the RFP should be sent, including:
    • Title
    • Phone number
    • Fax number
    • Street address (RFPs are not sent to PO boxes.)

Do I need to be prequalified to submit a proposal?

Firms do not need to be prequalified with the SCA to submit a proposal. However, a firm must be prequalified to be awarded a contract following their selection. A requirement for prequalification is that firms be registered with the New York State Division of Corporations as a New York entity. For additional information please visit the Prequalification Process page.

If I have submitted a proposal for a specific RFP, when can I expect to be informed of the names of the selected firms?

All proposers will be notified of the names of the firms selected for contract award three to four weeks after the RFP due date.

How can I obtain information on which firms were invited to submit proposals for a particular solicitation?

Contact the contract negotiator overseeing the specific RFP. Contact information can be obtained at Request for Proposal.

How to Search

  • Type your SCA Contract number in the search box and click the "Search" button (or press the "Enter" key)
  • If you have multiple contracts, you will need to view them separately. Inserting a new SCA Contract Number in the search box and following the instructions above will provide the new number requested.
  • Pressing the "Clear Search Results" will clear both the search box and the results from the page.

Search Result Information

If you still see this screen after typing in your SCA Contract Number,

  • The SCA Contract Number entered may not have any Change Management Issues associated with it or;
  • The SCA Contract Number was typed incorrectly. Please verify the number and try again.
  • For any additional information, contact the PO or SPO in charge of the contract

Obtaining Bid Information

​Do you want to find more information about a particular solicitation? (Note: you will need to know the solicitation number for a project in order to access the information listed below.)


  • {{doc.ItemDescription}}

Capital Investment Program (CIP) Projects

CIP projects maintain and upgrade existing school facilities. They are generally smaller than Capacity projects and involve work such as interior/exterior building upgrades, roof and boiler replacements, electrical work, security systems, room conversions, and transportable classrooms. Their estimated construction value typically ranges from $1 million to $4 million.

Capacity Projects

Capacity projects are large-scale construction jobs that can involve many types of work. They typically deal with new school construction, major modernizations, additions, and athletic fields. Their estimated construction is more than $4 million.

  • To view a list of Capacity projects that the SCA anticipates bidding out in the next six months in order to provide additional school seating capacity, click the following link: Capacity Projects Anticipated Contract Awards.

Contract Payment Report

The Contract Payment Report provides payment information for a specific Contract. This information can be retrieved by the General Contractor and/or the Subcontractor. For all payments made after January 1, 2014 the report will show the Payment Requisition Number and the corresponding date the payment was issued to the General Contractor. Some payments may be issued on multiple checks with multiple dates. This information can be retrieved by entering the SCA Contract Number below. For additional information, please contact your project officer.


  • {{doc.ItemDescription}}

The SCA currently accepts bids through email only. See the Bid Schedule for more information. The lists included are for informational purposes only and are subject to change. For answers to additional questions, and how your firm can request inclusion to any of the identified projects, please access the RFP Process Frequently Asked Questions Section below.

For information about upcoming or past Requests for Proposals (RFPs) please call the Contracts Hotline at 718-472-8230

The SCA reserves the right to modify any and all information contained in the list of RFPs, including but not limited to: the addition or deletion of an RFP; the scope, size or program requirements of an RFP; and/or changes in the schedule or timing of an RFP.

How to Search

Type your SCA Contract Number in the search box and click the "Search" button (or press the "Enter" key):

  • If you have multiple contracts, you will need to view them separately. Inserting a new SCA Contract Number in the search box and following the instructions above will provide the new number requested.
  • Pressing the "Clear Search Results" will clear both the search box and the results from the page.

Search Result Information

If you still see this screen after typing in your SCA Contract Number:

  • The SCA Contract Number entered may not have any payments associated with it. 
  • The SCA Contract Number was typed incorrectly. Please verify the number and try again.
Change Management Report Acronyms and Process Information
Document Status Description
NEW New document
CLO Closed - progressed to next stage or issue is no longer being reviewed by SCA
PEN Pending SCA finance funding authorization
APP Approved change order--copy sent to contractor
DISP Issue is found not valid by Construction Management and/or Change Order Unit
Document Date
Dated Date Document created in Expedition by an SCA representative
NOD Number (Notice of Direction)
Number Same as NOD Number (Change Management / Document Number)
Ball in Court
The current responsible party. 
SCA Construction Management, Change Order Unit, or Contracting Company's Initials.
Document Number Suffix
U Unilateral change order
R Settlement of unilateral change order
S Supersedes prior proposal submission by contractor
A Adjustment due to error or previous change order number closed

Estimate Stage:

  • Confidential independent estimate, issued by the design firm based on the bulletin and/or a detailed scope of work. The Project Officer then awaits the contractor's response to the Request for Proposal (RFP).

Proposed Change Order Stage:

  • Contractor responds to Request for Proposal. Contractor submits detailed Labor and Material Proposal to Construction Management based on the scope issued under the Notice of Direction (NOD). If the Contractor does not provide a cost proposal within 30 days of issuance of the NOD, the SCA will issue a Unilateral Change Order.
    (The Estimate document is now closed CLO within the Change Process.)

Fair & Reasonable Estimate Stage:

  • A Fair and Reasonable (FRE) evaluation of Contractor's proposal prepared by either Construction Management or Change Order Unit. Construction Management prepares FRE when Contractor's Proposal is less than or equal to $25,000. Some exceptions apply.
  • Change Order Unit prepares FRE when Contractor's Proposal is greater than $25,000. Some exceptions apply.
    (The Proposed Change Order document is now closed CLO within the Change Process.)
  • If the Contractor accepts the FRE, the process proceeds to the Change Order stage. Otherwise, the Project Officer schedules a negotiation session with all required parties.
    (The Proposed Change Order document is now closed CLO within the Change Process.)

Change Order Stage:

  • A settlement is reached with the Contractor; the change order is issued for the Contractor's signature. If no settlement is reached, a unilateral change order is issued, Contractor does not sign change order. Change Order is sent to Finance for funding authorization.
  • Once funding is authorized, the Change Order is signed by SCA senior Management authorizing the final approval. Status of Change Order: APP.
  • A copy of the Approved Change Order is sent to the Contractor and entered in Expedition as a line item for payment.

















Contractor / Sub Contractor Change Order Report

The Contractor / Sub Contractor Change Order Report is a monthly Multi-Project SCA Change Management Report that lists who is currently responsible for Change Management Issues and the last stage/document of the Change Process.​


  • {{doc.ItemDescription}}

Drinking Water Dispensers

RESPONSE DUE DATE: 3:00pm EST on November 19, 2024 

SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Interested firms must respond by submitting their expression of interest and qualifications no later than 3:00pm EST on November 19, 2024 via email to the contact identified below. In your response to this RFQEI please provide:

  • Number of employees in your firm
  • Examples of similar size installations
  • Typical/suggested pricing structure, assuming 36-month contract, with monthly billing and all filter changes and service visits included (no specific pricing required)
  • Any additional/ancillary services your firm offers
  • MWBE certification (if applicable)

POINT OF CONTACT:  All inquiries regarding this Request for Qualifications and Expression of Interest are to be directed to Martina Mercaldo (, with the subject line “Filtered Water Dispensers for Requirements Consultant RFQEI”.  Please note the successful firm must be pre-qualified by the SCA at the time of contract execution.  Please see the SCA’s website for further information about the pre-qualification process:


The New York City School Construction Authority (“SCA”) seeks a qualified firm to provide hot and cold filtered bottle-less drinking water dispensers at our office location: One Court Square, Long Island City, New York, 11101 and 188 West 230th Street, Bronx, NY 10463. Interested firms must be able to provide all labor, materials, equipment, and expertise, in connection with the following services:

  • Deliver and install up to 35 hot/cold bottle-less water dispensers. Units must be UL listed, be Energy Star certified and NSF/ANSI53 & NSF/ANSI 42 certified
  • Provide scheduled and unscheduled water filter replacements
  • Provide next-day, on-site service to address operational issues with dispensers
  • Provide an account manager who is available during normal business hours to provide support for all operational and billing inquiries



CSI 50 Conversion / PLA Feasibility / Master Planning Services /

Design Build Requirements Consultant (Owner’s Representative)


SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Not to exceed 20 pages PLUS proposed timeline/chronology for Services requested; pdf; 8.5”x11” only; via email to

POINT OF CONTACT:  All inquiries regarding this Request for Qualifications and Expression of Interest are to be directed to Martina Mercaldo (, with the subject line “Inquiry for Requirements Consultant RFQEI”.  This RFQEI is not an offering for the award of any contract. Submission of a response to this RQFEI is not required for future participation in any solicitation.



This Request for Qualifications and Expression of Interest (“RFQEI”) is being issued by the New York City School Construction Authority (“SCA”) to solicit industry feedback and to evaluate vendor interest and qualifications in connection with certain Scopes of Services. The SCA is responsible for the project delivery of new and major renovations of public school facilities throughout the five (5) boroughs of New York City. The SCA oversees all capital planning, contracting, design, and construction management of all projects in the five-year Capital Plan. Here is a link to learn more about the SCA’s Capital Plan.

One or more Consultants will be identified, via a forma Request for Proposal process, to perform Services in one or more of the following areas:

  1. Transitioning the SCA from the Master Format Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) 16 Divisions to the current industry 50 Divisions, and training SCA users thereon;
  2. Conduct a Project Labor Agreement (“PLA”) Feasibility study for Design Build efforts related to both Capacity (new school) and Capital Improvement Program (“CIP” renovation/rehabilitation) projects.
  3. Master Planning Services; and
  4. Design Build Requirements Consulting (also known as “Criteria Consultant” or “Owner’s Rep”) Services.
Scopes of Services
  1. “CSI 50 Implementation”: The SCA develops and maintains design standards for public school designs that in-house and consultant architects reference to develop construction documents. The SCA performance specifications, which are based on the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) 16 divisions Master Format breakdown, are used for all SCA project types.    The selected Consultant will be responsible for SCA-wide conversion from the 5-digit code specifications standards that have been modified over the years to the industry’s latest 50 division Master Format with an 8-digit code. 
  2. “PLA Study”: Section 1, § 4 of the via Assembly Bill A7636B (NY State Assembly Bill 2023-A7636B (, the New York City Public Works Investment Act (“Act”), requires that all Design Build efforts be accomplished pursuant to a Project Labor Agreement. A Project Labor Agreement (PLA) is a pre-hire collective bargaining agreement with one or more labor organizations that establishes the terms and conditions of employment and project delivery for specific construction projects. The SCA has a current PLA with the Building & Construction Trades Council of Greater New York (BCTC) covering specified rehabilitation and renovation work. In order to implement a PLA that would govern the SCA’s Design Build projects, the SCA must, pursuant to Labor Law Section 222, Section 2.a.2 (New York Labor Law Section 222), determine that the PLA would further the SCA’s “interest in obtaining the best work at the lowest possible price, preventing favoritism, fraud and corruption, and other considerations such as the impact of delay, the possibility of cost savings advantages, and any local history of labor unrest”. The selected Consultant will be tasked with undertaking, or supporting an SCA-led, “Feasibility Study” specific to a Design Build Project Labor Agreement. 
  3. “Master Planning Services”: In response to this RFQEI we are also asking interested firms to demonstrate their ability to perform Master Planning Services with the goal of updating the SCA’s Design Standards for its large portfolio of school buildings. Interested firms should respond with prior examples of their master planning experience relating to standards. Associated disciplines/areas of expertise required for this Master Plan service effort shall include, but not be limited to Architectural, Structural, Civil, Geotechnical, Electrical, Lighting, Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning, Fire Protection, Plumbing and Drainage, Interior Design, Sustainability, Landscaping, Cost Estimating, Acoustical, Elevator, Signage and Wayfinding, Waste Management, Kitchen, Traffic Engineering, ADA Accessibility, Forensic Architect, Educators, Graphic Design, Security Consultant, Historical Preservation and Energy Modeling Services. It is expected that the components of the study will include Engagement, Data Gathering and Educational & Building Standards. The required services include but are not limited to: 
    1. Submission of reports in InDesign, PDF, PowerPoint and other electronic format for all documents as required by the SCA. 
    2. Detailed review and assessment of all existing NYCSCA Design Standards. 
    3. Engagement In-person and virtual engagement with stakeholders at the SCA, New York City Department of Education, New York City School Construction Authority, Communities (targeted outreach), SCA Design Consultants, and other parties via workshops (visioning) to ensure that collection of comprehensive data to support the update and creation of additional Design Standards. Listening sessions, workshops and surveys shall be included as means of collecting data for this Master Plan. 
    4. In-person and virtual community engagement to identify highest needs, a vision for teaching and learning in the form of educational specification standards and building and architectural design standards. 
    5. Preparation of recommendations based on data collected from stakeholders, best pedagogical practice and associated cost estimates for the recommendations. Cost estimates will be instrumental in the decision-making process as it will impact the SCA’s 2025-2029 Capital Plan. 
    6. Updating and adding to the SCA’s current suite of standards.
  4. "Design Build Requirements Consultant”: The SCA is authorized, via the Act, to award Design Build contracts for certain public works within the City. The Act requires that the SCA utilize a two-step procurement process for Design Build contracts: a request for qualifications and then a request for proposals to short-listed vendors. The Act also requires that the SCA select the Design Build proposal that provides the best value to the City, taking into consideration the qualifications of the Design Builder, the quality of the proposal, and the proposed cost. Design Build contracts awarded pursuant to the Act may be for a lump sum, guaranteed maximum price (“GMP”), or other price format. Firms reviewing this RFQEI should be familiar with the Act, and with the Design Build model, and are being asked to respond to certain SCA-specific nuances in connection therewith. The selected Consultant will be tasked with Program and Project Development, including, but not limited to, development of Design Build strategies,  creation of internal program materials, risk assessments, development of project specific performance-based specifications, pre- and post-award support, and project management/administration services, for SCA Design Build projects. Ultimately, guided by primers and best practices promulgated by the Design Build Institute of America (“DBIA”), the SCA intends to seek Requirements Consulting Phase 2 services from proposers with strong leadership, technical, and facilitative skills that have extensive experience developing and managing Design Build projects. Services required by the SCA include, without limitation, the following: 
    1. Program Development
      1. Strategize and develop the initial NYCSCA Design Build program, outlining project objectives, priorities, opportunities and requirements. 
      2. Collaborate with SCA stakeholder departments including Architecture & Engineering, Construction Management, Capital Plan Management, Design & Construction Innovation Management (including Technical Standards and Cost Estimating), Environmental & Regulatory Compliance, Finance, Information Technology, Legal and Operations to define program goals and objectives.
      3. Recommendations on how to ensure that the Design Professional’s standard of care is maintained as it relates to the Owner. 
    2. Procurement Support
      1. Draft and issue all elements of the two-stage Design Build procurement process including the RFQ and RFP, with particular emphasis on the development of appropriate evaluation criteria to be used during each phase.
      2. Evaluate proposals at both stages and make recommendations based on project requirements and budget constraints. 
    3. Contract Development and Administration
      1. Develop contract documents, including terms, conditions, and scope of work, specific to Design Build program. 
      2. Negotiate contract terms on behalf of the owner to ensure best value and protection of interests. 
      3. Administer contracts throughout the project lifecycle, including dispute resolution.
    4. Design and Construction Oversight
      1. Review design documents to ensure compliance with SCA Specifications, Design Requirements and all regulations including NYC building codes, SHPO, if applicable, FDNY, etc. 
      2. Monitor construction progress and quality through site visits, inspections, and coordination meetings. 
      3. Address design and construction issues in a timely manner to mitigate risks and ensure project success. 
    5. Takeholder Coordination
      1. Facilitate communication and collaboration among internal and external project stakeholders. 
    6. Budget and Financial Management
      1. Develop, maintain and track project budgets, including cost estimates,forecasts, and expenditures. 
      2. Liaise with the selected Design Build team, identify cost-saving and value engineering opportunities and recommend strategies to optimize project spending. 
    7. Risk Management
      1. Identify potential risks and challenges throughout the project lifecycle and develop mitigation strategies and proactive measures, including appropriate insurance requirements, to minimize disruptions and delays. 
    8. Quality Assurance and Control
      1. Implement quality assurance measures to ensure that the selected Design Build partner meets project requirements and delivers high-quality work. 
      2. Conduct regular inspections and reviews to verify compliance with design and construction standards. 
    9. Project Closeout
      1. Manage the closeout process, including commissioning, final inspections, certifications, and documentation.
      2. Facilitate the transition of the completed facility, including collection of operating manuals, warranties and guarantees.

The Design Build Requirements Consultant will also be expected to prepare or facilitate reports, minutes, or other program and project-related documentation, including with regard to MWBE participation, and to maintain comprehensive project records, including contracts, correspondence, and all  documentation required in order to support and respond to any future audit.

Additional Information

Services being requested (2) multiple RFPs with the goal of awarding more than one contract with each capturing one or more Scopes of Services, or (3) a multiple RFPs with each solicitation resulting in a single contract for each Service type identified. For full service firms capable of providing all of the identified Services, the SCA is asking qualified firms to propose a chronology for the implementation of each. For example, we may contemplate “Phase 1” of the Services to capture the Scopes that speak to CSI 50 conversion and the PLA Study, with Phase 2 being Master Planning and Phase 3 being the implementation of the Design Build Program. We are seeking guidance around which Phases, if any, may benefit from being conducted simultaneously.


  • Company Overview: Brief history, size, and description of your company.
  • Qualifications and Experience: Submit a comprehensive summary of your company's qualifications and experience, specifically with regard to the aforementioned requirements for services - CSI 50 conversion, the PLA Feasibility Study, and the Design Build Requirements Consulting services, and Master Planning Services.
    • Firms are encouraged to respond to one or all elements of this RFQEI with expertise that aligns with their portfolio and experience.
    • Firms that are capable of performing more than one element of the Services identified should prepare a hypothetical chronology of how these services should be assigned, together with a plan to address each need.
  • Include three specific examples (from members of your project team/joint venture/subconsultants) of successful implementation of each of the above service types, including your firm/team’s comfort level with IT assessments around the conversion from CSI 16 to CSI 50 (systems impact analysis, proposed implementation plan, etc.)
  • Team Composition: Provide information on the structure of your proposed team, including key team members who will be involved in the project, as well as their roles, qualifications, and relevant experience.  Firms responding to more than one element of the Services requested are free to recommend different teams for each Scope of Services.
  • Implementation and Support: Outline of proposed implementation process, including a projected timeline and cost per service type identified above, proposed training opportunities, and ongoing support services. 
  • References: Include contact information for five references from previous clients that are similar in scope and complexity to the SCA's requirements.  These references should cover both the conversion of specification and/or significant specification writing experience and pure Design Build owner’s rep/owner's advisor/criteria consultant experience.

Respondents must provide responses to the first four questions in the “SCA QUESTIONS” section below. Respondents are strongly encouraged, but not required, to provide responses to the remaining questions/topics listed in the “SCA QUESTIONS” section below, as well as any other information that would be informative and responsive to this RFQEI.

Respondents are requested to limit the use of logos and identifying graphics in responding.

The SCA shall not be held liable for any pre-award activity or costs incurred by your firm for preparation and delivery of its response, producing materials, attending meetings or any labor, in connection therewith. Responses received in connection herewith will not impact potential future bidding opportunities. 

We look forward to your submissions and thank you for your interest in supporting the SCA. 



 SCA requests ideas and suggestions with respect to how best to structure its Requirements Consultant services, including how best to structure payment for such services (e.g., lump sum, cost + fixed fee, etc.). This information will assist the SCA in developing and issuing its RFP(s) for the professional services mentioned in this RFQEI. Providing responses to the questions/topics below is entirely optional. Respondents are also encouraged, but not required, to respond to all topics.


  1. How long should the Phase 1 initiative around “Spec Conversion” be expected to take, with regard to the technical writing element only? What would an approximate cost for this effort alone be? (There will be a technology-based initiative as well that speaks to the conversion from CSI 16 to CSI 50 within the SCA’s Cost Estimating System, but we are preparing a separate informational section on that initiative that will be released in connection with the RFP.)
  2. How long should the Phase 1 initiative around “PLA Feasibility” be expected to take? The Requirements Consultant will have full access to previous studies to inform its deliverable. What would an approximate cost for this effort alone be?
  3. What is the most appropriate payment structure for the Phase 1 services and the follow-on more traditional Requirements Consultant services? Respondents should provide detailed information and may include, attached to their response, sample payment terms from other projects/jurisdictions. Responses should account for consulting costs, overhead, and profit at all phases of the project. What would an approximate cost for this effort alone be?
  4. How would the Master Planning Services best fit within this engagement? Via a separate contract entirely? Via a sub-consultant arrangement? To be performed simultaneously with the CSI 50 conversion?


  1. Describe Respondent’s approach to developing Design Build projects, including project objectives and scope development.
  2. Describe Respondent’s approach to developing a project management organization and processes that facilitate timely decision making by the integrated project management team.
  3. Describe Respondent’s approach to managing environmental review compliance processes and risks for Design Build projects, including SEQR, SHPO and other Compliance and Regulatory issues.
  4. Describe Respondent’s approach to maximizing minority- and women- owned business enterprises (“MWBE”) participation in Design Build projects.
  5. What level of review should be exercised over the Design Builder’s design submittals? (E.g., review and comment without approval, full review and approval of all submissions) 
  6. Describe Respondent’s approach to the organization of the design submittal and review process. Note: The Design Builder is expected to choose order and substance of submittals as part of the Design Builder’s means and methods. How would Respondent organize this process and why? Please note all decision points in the process. Respondents may provide illustrative workflows in addition to, or instead of, a written response.
  7. Describe Respondent’s approach to developing and implementing proactive claims avoidance and dispute resolution programs for Design Build projects.
  8. Describe Respondent’s approach to developing and implementing an effective project closeout process for Design Build projects. 
  9. Describe Respondent's approach and anticipated process for the delivery of the Master Plan with the goal of updating and creating additional SCA's design standards.