To see a list of firms that are currently prequalified to do business with the SCA, click Prequalified Firms.

*The Anticipated Issuance Date (by quarter) is an approximate estimate where the actual issuance date may differ. The SCA reserves the right to cancel any RFP. The SCA cannot be held liable for any pre-contract activity or costs incurred by any proposer in preparation of their proposals or for any work performed or materials provided in connection therewith.

Current Requests for Proposals

Data as of 07/01/2024
SolicitationDue DateDepartmentServicesNot to Exceed Award Amount per ContractContractsAssigned Contract NegotiatorNegotiator EmailUpdated Date

Anticipated Requests for Proposals

Data as of 7/01/2024
DepartmentServicesEstimated Cost of Service per ContractAnticipated # of ContractsAssigned Contract NegotiatorContact InfoAnticipated Issuance Date (by Quarter)*

Click the below link to see a list of firms that are currently disqualified, suspended, rejected, and/or otherwise ineligible to receive new or future work on SCA projects as prime contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants, members of a joint venture, vendors, or material suppliers.

RFP Process Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get involved to participate in the RFP process and submit proposals for the services for which my firm may qualify?

Firms must request a copy of the RFP via email from the negotiator overseeing the solicitation. The request is then forwarded to the User Department to make a determination on whether the firm can receive a copy of the RFP. Firms interested in obtaining a copy of the RFP must provide all of the following information:

  1. A description of your firm's experience including:
    • length of time your firm has been in existence performing the services required under this RFP
    • prior projects
    • firms you've partnered with, and the value of the portion your firm worked on
    • number of years
  2. Whether your firm is prequalified with the SCA (if you do not know, you can state this).
  3. The full contact information of the person to whom the RFP should be sent, including:
    • Title
    • Phone number
    • Fax number
    • Street address (RFPs are not sent to PO boxes.)

Do I need to be prequalified to submit a proposal?

Firms do not need to be prequalified with the SCA to submit a proposal. However, a firm must be prequalified to be awarded a contract following their selection. A requirement for prequalification is that firms be registered with the New York State Division of Corporations as a New York entity. For additional information please visit the Prequalification Process page.

If I have submitted a proposal for a specific RFP, when can I expect to be informed of the names of the selected firms?

All proposers will be notified of the names of the firms selected for contract award three to four weeks after the RFP due date.

How can I obtain information on which firms were invited to submit proposals for a particular solicitation?

Contact the contract negotiator overseeing the specific RFP. Contact information can be obtained at Request for Proposal.

Obtaining Bid Information

​Do you want to find more information about a particular solicitation? (Note: you will need to know the solicitation number for a project in order to access the information listed below.)


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Capital Investment Program (CIP) Projects

CIP projects maintain and upgrade existing school facilities. They are generally smaller than Capacity projects and involve work such as interior/exterior building upgrades, roof and boiler replacements, electrical work, security systems, room conversions, and transportable classrooms. Their estimated construction value typically ranges from $1 million to $4 million.

Capacity Projects

Capacity projects are large-scale construction jobs that can involve many types of work. They typically deal with new school construction, major modernizations, additions, and athletic fields. Their estimated construction is more than $4 million.

  • To view a list of Capacity projects that the SCA anticipates bidding out in the next six months in order to provide additional school seating capacity, click the following link: Capacity Projects Anticipated Contract Awards.

Contract Payment Report

The Contract Payment Report provides payment information for a specific Contract. This information can be retrieved by the General Contractor and/or the Subcontractor. For all payments made after January 1, 2014 the report will show the Payment Requisition Number and the corresponding date the payment was issued to the General Contractor. Some payments may be issued on multiple checks with multiple dates. This information can be retrieved by entering the SCA Contract Number below. For additional information, please contact your project officer.


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The SCA currently accepts bids through email only. See the Bid Schedule for more information. The lists included are for informational purposes only and are subject to change. For answers to additional questions, and how your firm can request inclusion to any of the identified projects, please access the RFP Process Frequently Asked Questions Section below.

For information about upcoming or past Requests for Proposals (RFPs) please call the Contracts Hotline at 718-472-8230

The SCA reserves the right to modify any and all information contained in the list of RFPs, including but not limited to: the addition or deletion of an RFP; the scope, size or program requirements of an RFP; and/or changes in the schedule or timing of an RFP.

How to Search

Type your SCA Contract Number in the search box and click the "Search" button (or press the "Enter" key):

  • If you have multiple contracts, you will need to view them separately. Inserting a new SCA Contract Number in the search box and following the instructions above will provide the new number requested.
  • Pressing the "Clear Search Results" will clear both the search box and the results from the page.

Search Result Information

If you still see this screen after typing in your SCA Contract Number:

  • The SCA Contract Number entered may not have any payments associated with it. 
  • The SCA Contract Number was typed incorrectly. Please verify the number and try again.
Change Management Report Acronyms and Process Information
Document Status Description
NEW New document
CLO Closed - progressed to next stage or issue is no longer being reviewed by SCA
PEN Pending SCA finance funding authorization
APP Approved change order--copy sent to contractor
DISP Issue is found not valid by Construction Management and/or Change Order Unit
Document Date
Dated Date Document created in Expedition by an SCA representative
NOD Number (Notice of Direction)
Number Same as NOD Number (Change Management / Document Number)
Ball in Court
The current responsible party. 
SCA Construction Management, Change Order Unit, or Contracting Company's Initials.
Document Number Suffix
U Unilateral change order
R Settlement of unilateral change order
S Supersedes prior proposal submission by contractor
A Adjustment due to error or previous change order number closed

Estimate Stage:

  • Confidential independent estimate, issued by the design firm based on the bulletin and/or a detailed scope of work. The Project Officer then awaits the contractor's response to the Request for Proposal (RFP).

Proposed Change Order Stage:

  • Contractor responds to Request for Proposal. Contractor submits detailed Labor and Material Proposal to Construction Management based on the scope issued under the Notice of Direction (NOD). If the Contractor does not provide a cost proposal within 30 days of issuance of the NOD, the SCA will issue a Unilateral Change Order.
    (The Estimate document is now closed CLO within the Change Process.)

Fair & Reasonable Estimate Stage:

  • A Fair and Reasonable (FRE) evaluation of Contractor's proposal prepared by either Construction Management or Change Order Unit. Construction Management prepares FRE when Contractor's Proposal is less than or equal to $25,000. Some exceptions apply.
  • Change Order Unit prepares FRE when Contractor's Proposal is greater than $25,000. Some exceptions apply.
    (The Proposed Change Order document is now closed CLO within the Change Process.)
  • If the Contractor accepts the FRE, the process proceeds to the Change Order stage. Otherwise, the Project Officer schedules a negotiation session with all required parties.
    (The Proposed Change Order document is now closed CLO within the Change Process.)

Change Order Stage:

  • A settlement is reached with the Contractor; the change order is issued for the Contractor's signature. If no settlement is reached, a unilateral change order is issued, Contractor does not sign change order. Change Order is sent to Finance for funding authorization.
  • Once funding is authorized, the Change Order is signed by SCA senior Management authorizing the final approval. Status of Change Order: APP.
  • A copy of the Approved Change Order is sent to the Contractor and entered in Expedition as a line item for payment.

















Contractor / Sub Contractor Change Order Report

The Contractor / Sub Contractor Change Order Report is a monthly Multi-Project SCA Change Management Report that lists who is currently responsible for Change Management Issues and the last stage/document of the Change Process.​


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New York City School Construction Authority

Internal Audit Management Software Solution





Request for Expression of Interest by the New York City School Construction Authority (“SCA”) from qualified vendors to provide an integrated Internal Audit and Enterprise Risk management software.


SCA’s Internal Audit division currently operates in a co-source model and is partnered with a 3rd party auditing firm. The 3rd party auditing firm, guided by SCA directives, is responsible for developing an Internal Audit plan, executing 8-12 audits, and various consulting projects annually. This effort includes stakeholder interviews, document and data requests, testing and field visits, as well as workpaper development and report writing. 

SCA personnel, notably the Director of Enterprise Risk, the Senior Manager of Internal Audit and the Internal Audit Operations Manager, primarily manage the inputting of data into the current software and oversee the implementation of management action plans (“MAPs”) in response to audit recommendations. 

Software Requirements

The desired internal audit management software should offer a comprehensive solution for organizing and maintaining critical audit documentation such as workpapers, final audit reports, and support for tracking and facilitating stakeholder and management responses. Key functionalities should include, but are not limited to:

  • Efficient management and storage of audit artifacts and reports.
  • Facilitation and tracking of auditee/stakeholder documents and data requests.
  • Tracking and monitoring status of on-going audits. 
  • Tracking and support for management responses to audit recommendations and MAP implementation.
  • Capability to provide narrative updates and record support for MAPs.
  • Development of dashboards and reports for internal audit, management, and the Audit Advisory Committee, with filters for department, business unit, and audit report.
  • Features supporting risk assessments for streamlined annual Internal Audit plan development.
  • Automation of manual internal audit processes (e.g., audit kickoff notifications, MAP target date reminders).
  • Customization potential for additional modules.
  • o i.e. Support for the SCA’s Enterprise Risk Management program
  • Application Programming Interface - Compatibility with existing systems, visualization tools and data mitigation. 
  • View only access for internal stakeholders. 
  • Knowledge of SharePoint 2019 on premises for data migration. 
  • Snapshot comparison for time period X to Y, and ability to track movements of MAPs audit.

Submission Requirements

Interested vendors are required to submit the following information:

  • Company Overview: Brief history, size, and description of your company.
  • Product Details: Comprehensive details of the software solution, including functionalities that meet SCA specified needs.
  • Experience and References: Evidence of prior successful implementations, particularly in public sector or educational institutions, with contactable references.
  • Compliance and Security: Description of compliance with relevant security standards and data protection regulations.
  • Implementation and Support: Outline of proposed implementation process (including projected timeline and cost), training, and ongoing support services.
  • Licensing and Pricing: Overview of licensing models, pricing structures, and any additional costs.

If your firm is capable of and interested in providing these Services to the SCA, please provide a brief description of your firm along with current contact information to the contact listed.

This is a preliminary survey to ascertain your firm’s interest in contemplating a contract with the SCA for the Services. Neither the SCA nor the potential proposer is making any commitment as a result of this preliminary survey.

Although proposing firms need not be pre-qualified by the SCA at the time of proposal, each firm must be pre-qualified prior to contract award.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to the contact person listed. 

Interested firms should respond by submitting their expression of interest no later than April 24th, 2024 via email to the contact listed. All questions regarding this RFEI shall be emailed to the below contact. The SCA shall not be held liable for any pre-award activity or costs incurred by your firm for preparation and delivery of its response, producing materials, or attending meetings or any labor, in connection therewith. Responses received will not impact potential future bidding opportunities.

Martina Mercaldo

Manger of Operations, Contract Administration

New York City School Construction Authority

25-01 Jackson Avenue

Long Island City, NY 11101

We look forward to your submissions and thank you for your interest in supporting the SCA.